Cruze Carbon Fiber Emblem Trim


Ready to apply the trim to protect your emblem against the UV rays?


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The Cruze Carbon Fiber Emblem Trim Decal comes in 3 different materials. You have the choice of Stainless Steel, carbon fiber, and PVC in the piano finish. Each set comes in 2 pieces; one for the front emblem and the other one for the rear. The surface for the stainless steel design has chrome or ruby blue colour while the carbon-fiber decal has 2 colours option i.e. silver and black. Nonetheless, PVC piano finish design is more popular among many Cruze owners.

The installation is easy and to ensure that you clean the surface with some soapy water. The application needs some patience in order to align all corners into its position. Besides the aesthetic reason for applying this trim or decal, it protects the golden plastic bow tie emblem from being over-exposed to UV.

One could often witness the dull and oxidized emblem fade after prolonged exposure to UV. Surely, some may argue, how could this decal be more resilient against the heat? Well, you can always remove the old faded decal and replace it with a brand new decal. With a couple of bucks, you will get another colour for a refreshing look! However, if you prefer the stainless steel trim for its durability, check out the item on a separate product page.

Feel free to browse the Cruze Accessories Mart for more Chevrolet Cruze Accessories on offers.

Cruze Carbon Fiber Emblem Trim Details

  • Condition: Brand New
  • Application: To be fitted on the front and rear bow-tie emblem of Cruze,  Malibu and Captiva
  • Compatible: Cruze 2009 – 2014 | Malibu | Captiva
  • Material: Carbon Fiber Decal | PVC
  • Colour: Black | Silver | Black Piano – PVC
  • Easy to install

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