
Cruze OEM Manual Gear Knob

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Are you looking for Cruze OEM Manual Gear Knob to replace your damaged knob at best price? Check out Cruze OEM Gear knob now!

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There are occasions where the Cruze OEM Manual Gear Knob failed the test of harsh tropical sunny weather in this part of the world. The rubber wrap surface simply gave way. With the daily use and sweat on the palm, the rubber handle will get bloated, loosen and eventually, the gear position label will fall off. To add salt to the injury, the agent here advised the owner to replace the whole manual gear assembly that cost $350 excluding labor charges. We truly feel for the manual Cruze owner and it is indeed an eyesore driving experience.

We have heard you and we are now offering you the Cruze OEM Manual Gear Knob at a steal. Trust us, this item will restore your gear knob to the moment you first collected your brand new Cruze. The replacement is easier than you thought. Simply hold on to the gear knob firmly and unscrew it anti-clockwise and the knob will come out. Next, simply screw on the replacement know clock-wise and that’s it! You’ll be delighted with the brand new look within less than a minute!

Are you suffering from the damaged Cruze Manual Gear Knob? Get this replacement part now and get your eyesores cure now!

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Cruze OEM Manual Gear Knob Details

  • Condition: Brand New
  • Application: Ideal to replace the original damaged Cruze Manual Gear Knob
  • Replacement Steps: Unscrew the damaged gear knob and screw in the brand new replacement knob into the shaft.

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